What you can expect from this course

Welcome to the Get Ready to Query Game Plan! 

I’m so excited you’re here. If you are, that means you have a finished and polished manuscript in your hands. Before you do anything else, celebrate that fact. That’s amazing!

Only about 30 out of every 1,000 writers will actually finish a book. And even less than that will get the book published. So if you’re reading this, congratulations! You pushed through all the imposter syndrome, shitty first drafts, and revisions.

I designed this course for writers who are ready to enter the query trenches but may find the process overwhelming. Trust me, I know all about the ups and downs of this part. I queried for 12 years (with different projects) until I landed my agent in February 2022.

I’m not saying it’ll take you a decade to find an agent, but that is a reality. And it’s also good to know that the book you sign an agent with may not sell, so be ready to write another one.

Publishing is a business and it may feel personal when someone rejects something you poured your time, energy, and tears into. But every single author, whether traditional, indie, or self-published, refused to give up and saw their dreams of holding their books in their hands come true.

You can too!

This 6-week course will walk you through every step of the querying process. You will:

  • Learn important mindset tips
  • Draft your query letter and synopsis
  • Research the best agents for your story
  • Prepare your submissions
  • Submit your first 10 queries

This was the exact method I used for my last few rounds of querying, and it made all the difference. Because while it may seem easy enough to research an agent and submit your query to them, you also need to understand personalization and how to keep things organized.

While I can’t guarantee you’ll land an agent by following this course, I can promise that you’ll learn methods you can use over and over again. 

Even though this course is self-paced, I encourage you to do your best to keep up with the lessons and homework. The more you procrastinate sending queries, the higher the chance that you won’t send any.

For me, 6 weeks is just enough time to do thorough prep work, research, and a bit of mindset. This way, when you send your first 10 queries during the last week, you’ll be in a better position to send the rest on your own time.

At the end of most of the lessons is a comment section for you to post questions you have or even share some wins. I check and respond to every single comment twice a day, Monday through Thursday. I also offer 1:1 coaching sessions which you can find on The Writer's Hub main page. It's perfect for those looking to get some extra support or if they need help working through a particular lesson.

No matter what happens — if you land representation or not — be proud of the fact that you’re brave enough to share your work with agents who can help make your dream a reality. 

I can’t wait to see your book in stores one day. Good luck and let’s get started!

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